Monday, February 18, 2013

Kenya Welch Your New Miss New Hampshire Outstanding Teen 2013

Kenya Welch, a student at Franklin High School, was crowned Miss New Hampshire's Outstanding Teen, on Sunday, February 17, 2013. Kenya, who carried the title of Miss Lakes Region's Outstanding Teen in the competition, performed a contemporary dance to "Chasing Cars" during the Talent portion of the competition. Her platform is "Let's Move! Raising a Healthier Generation of Kids." Kenya was a double preliminary competition winner, earning recognition for her talent performance and her appearance in evening wear. In addition, Kenya won the Over-All Talent award. Congratulations to this exceptional young woman!
Miss New Hampshire's Outstanding Teen Leadership Team poses with newly crowned Miss New Hampshire's Outstandng Teen 2013 Kenya Welch. Pictured (left to right) Pattie Lamontagne, Teen Co-Chair; Welch; and Audra Paquette Burns (Miss NH 2005), Co-Chair. 
Photographs Credit: Todd Ward

Congratulations Kenya Welch on winning the 2013 title of Miss New Hampshire Outstanding Teen

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