Currently, Bryana is sharing her wonderful voice on NBC's 'The Voice' where she is a contestant in their seventh season.
We recently had the opportunity to interview Bryana on her music, was it her dream to be a singer, is she passionate about an charities and more. Here is what she had to say to us.
When did you start singing?
I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. My parents have videos of me singing when I was about 2 or 3 years old. Some I sort of remember, while there are some videos that I watch that I don’t. As far “start singing”, I would say it was while we were stationed in Hawaii that I really discovered my love for singing. I was 12 years old at that time and it was at Schofield Barracks, HI where I entered my first singing competition – I came in second place and was very thrilled.
Was it your dream to be a singer?
I think like most young girls, my sister and I loved to sing karaoke at home and pretend we were stars singing in front of thousands of fans. But after I took the stage at Schofield Barracks I knew in my mind that this was what I wanted to do with my life. I really found out that I loved singing and I loved performing.
Tell us about your style of singing?
My style of singing is Pop. Although I sing Pop, I do like to explore and change or even enhance my Pop-sound by incorporating other genres such as R&B Soul sound and even a Pop-rock sound, similar to what you hear with Demi Lovato.
Are there challenges pursuing a singing career and being a teenager?
Yes, it is challenging trying to keep up with school work and trying to manage my time with friends while pursuing a music career. Things that I use to take for granted like going to football and basketball games, going to the mall and hanging out with friends started to be filled with extra vocal lessons, practicing warm-ups and scales, or auditioning and performing at different venues and competitions. One of the conditions to me performing was that I also had to keep my grades up which took up a lot of my weekends and what free time I had during the week.
Do your parents and friends support you?
Yes. Actually my mom, dad, sister and brother are my biggest fans. They support me 100% and have given up a lot for me to be where I am today. I could probably write ten pages on what they’ve sacrificed for me.
Do you write your own songs?
I don’t write my own songs but I do co-write. Song writing is the area that I am starting to focus on more. I don’t have much experience in writing as I have always focused on singing and my vocals. But I am definitely starting to put thoughts on paper and starting to arrange those thoughts to what I think is a starting point for some potential songs.
Where was your first performance, were you excited?
I would have to say it was that first singing competition at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. Thinking back, as excited as I was, I was also tremendously nervous. In fact, I was singing Michael Jackson’s “Ben” and I repeated a line. I caught myself and didn’t know what to do, so I stopped. Then I was like, overcome with emotion and started crying. My mom and dad came back stage and I remember everyone telling me it was ok. My parents were telling me we could leave out the back door and I wouldn’t have to go back into the theater, however, I really wanted to finish that song. So I asked if I could go back and just sing it again and that I didn’t care if I placed or not. They let me go back and was able to perform it. I learned an important lesson that day: preparation is key and if you stumble or fall, just get back up and keep moving forward…we’re all human so learn from your mistakes – don’t let them define you.
How do you prepare your voice for a performance?
It’s extremely important to eat right, drink plenty of water and get a good night’s rest. It’s so important to eat healthy and hydrate if you want to have long career singing. I also make sure to warm up my voice before performing. Days that are considered “off” are days that I only practice my scales. Training and exercising vocal chords are to singers much the same as training and exercising muscles are to athletes.
If I went to one of your concerts, what can fans and I expect?
Energy. As much as I love to sing, I love to perform and get the crowd energized. You can expect dancing and fun. The crowd will be diverse and include all ages. It would be a very fun concert for everyone!
Where have you been able to perform?
Wow, a lot of places. Because my dad is in the Army and we’ve lived in so many places, I’ve had the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the University of Hawaii with approximately 10,000 in attendance; the National Anthem for San Antonio Spurs NBA and San Antonio Silver Stars WNBA games; and several other venues and competitions in cities like Dallas, Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, and Chicago.
Who inspires you with your singing and songwriting?
I have a wide range of inspirations for various reasons. Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey for their breathtaking vocal ranges and beautiful tones. Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato and Fifth Harmony are who I connect with for performances and competitions these days. And of course, probably my overall top performing inspiration - Beyoncé. She is the total package on stage.
If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? This one easy. A sold out show at Madison Square Garden. That’s when you know you’ve made it and there wouldn’t be a better a feeling of accomplishment that that moment.
Along the same line, who would you love to perform with?
Everyone I listed above would be a dream come true. However, if I had to pick just one, I would have to say Beyoncé or Ariana Grande (I know that’s two, but I can’t really pick just one) (:
What do you hope to accomplish with your singing/songwriting?
Like I mentioned earlier, I truly want to be able to have a successful career in this industry. I know that if I do start to become successful that I will also carry a large responsibility with me. I hope that if I am ever in the position to influence others, especially children, I will always be a good and positive role model for them to look up to.
What three words best describe you and your music?
ENERGY – you know I love that “E” word
CONNECTION – when I connect with people while I am singing, I can’t help but take my performance to a completely new level
BALANCE – providing the right mix of ballads, up-beat, pop, R&B, and even rock
Do you have any advice for those wanting to start a career in singing and songwriting?
For those wanting to have a career in this industry, you have to be prepared to make sacrifices in order to be successful. I’m still in high school and I made the decision to be willing to sacrifice the life of a high teenager that 95% of kids experience. After being here in LA, I’ve learned firsthand that sacrificing while in high school is only the beginning. Many contestants here make their living performing on a multi-state circuit, usually anywhere from 5-7 days per week. They spend a lot of time away from their family working to chase their dreams to make it big one day. You really must love and have a true passion for this industry in order not to get discouraged, because there are so many ridiculously talented people everywhere you turn trying to do the same thing you’re doing.
Do you have any other talents?
In addition to singing, I love to act and dance. I’ve had the opportunity to be in national commercials, a nationally televised sitcom, and also had a small role in a feature film.
Are you passionate about any charities, if so, why?
Yes, being military, I find myself being passionate about our military families especially the military child. It can be a very difficult life to live. Moving often is difficult and it’s even more stressful when you have to separate from those that you love. A lot of times it can be short notice deployments anywhere from six to eighteen months at a time. As soon as my schedule slows down I have plans to get more involved with non-profit organizations like Blue Star Families and Little Patriots Embraced which both strive to address the challenges of military life. Blue Star Families connect military family members with civilian communities and organizations to help address unique challenges faced by military families. Little Patriots Embraced conducts musical performances throughout the US and I am planning on being a part of their tour. I really feel that my time on The Voice and my experiences growing up in a military family will help me to be a positive influence and mentor to military kids and hopefully I can help show them that they be whatever they dream and not to let those constant moves, separations from their loved ones, and other life impacting events experienced by military families stop them from achieving their goals and dreams. Instead, stay positive and let those tough times drive and inspire you.

Education is very important to me. Like my dad has taught us, education is a privilege and should never be taken lightly nor for granted. Education is not only about learning a subject for a test, but you learn other things like prioritizing, discipline, being responsible, and being accountable to others such as teachers or members in your study or project groups.
Anything else you want our readers to know about you, your singing/songwriting?
Something that I learned while we were stationed Ft Sam Houston, TX that has to do with our servicemen and women. Ft. Sam, as we call it, has a major medical facility where Wounded Warriors come after being in combat. Like most of us, I guess we kind of get accustomed to seeing people getting shot on TV whether in movies or on the news. But I don’t think a day went by when I didn’t see wounded soldiers recovering from combat. Too many were missing anywhere from one to all four limbs and you see them on the track going through rehab with their prosthetic limbs or in wheelchairs. Many times you’d see them in the Exchange or Commissary with their kids helping. And then many, many times I would see soldiers that looked fresh out of high school, my age. I would feel both proud and of course sad, at the same time. I just know my eyes were opened more while we were stationed in Texas and I truly hope all Americans never take for granted the sacrifices our servicemen and women make for our country.
Finally, how was your auditioning experience for The Voice and being on team Gwen for the lives? Auditioning for The Voice has definitely been a highlight of my life up to this point. This has been such a wonderful experience I almost can’t even put it in words. The staff, and I mean everyone involved in The Voice that we come into contact with is so nice, outgoing, supportive, motivating, like I said wonderful! They go out of their way to make sure you feel comfortable every step of the way. And members of my team, Team Gwen, we’re truly and literally like brothers and sisters. We do everything together and love being around each other, whether it’s practicing on stage, in a room, grabbing dinner, hanging out in someone’s room, it’s like we’re always together. Honestly, I don’t know if there’s a closer team than Team Gwen. But it all starts with Gwen. Coming to the show it’s easy meeting other competitors and start forming friends, but of course there’s always that apprehension and extreme nervousness when meeting your coach – especially one as iconic as Gwen Stefani. However from the moment you’re introduced to her, she makes you feel so comfortable and relaxed. She is truly down to earth and is someone you can easily open up to and talk with. You can really feel her genuineness and caring when she talk to you and advises you. There’s no doubt she believes in each person on her team. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I made the absolute right choice!
Make sure to watch this beautiful seventeen year old singer on NBC's 'The Voice' as she completes to win seven. 'The Voice' are on Monday from 8-10pm and Tuesday, 8-9pm. These times are for the East coast, check your local listings.
If you want to stay updated on how Bryana does on 'The Voice' than follow these following sites.
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Bryana with a wonderful voice has a really bright future ahead of her. We can't wait to see where her singing takes her.
All photographs are by NBC
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